Best Dubai Street Food
UAE Tourism

Best Dubai Street Food dishes and places

Dubai street food exists in an endless heterogeneity. Street Food refers to food, drinks, and desserts sold by a trader or a vendor at a very cheap price on a side of the street or any other public place. People enjoy this food at a very reasonable price and also with delicious and vibrant taste. Street foods are cheaper than restaurant meals and have a better taste than costly restaurant meals. Many types of street foods in Dubai are according to the culture and region and based on what people most like to eat. To experience the city culture and street food is the best way because the street stalls offer a variety of dishes with many good and fresh ingredients. 

The most famous Dubai Street Food items:

The most devoured Dubai street foods are as follows:

  • Shawarma: 


Shawarma is a very famous and delicious Dubai street food. You must have tried many shawarmas, but the shawarma sold on the streets of Dubai carries another level of taste. Here we are talking about the making of this incomparable recipe. This recipe holds sliced chicken, beef, or lamb whatever you like, filled with fresh green vegetables and onions, and slices of cucumber that enhance the taste of shawarma. Also, it is filled with some secret sauces to make it an authentic shawarma. It is rolled in a soft but a little crunchy flatbread.

  • Shish Tawouk Sandwich:

The Shish Tawouk Sandwich is very delicious and is easily available on the streets of Dubai. Now let’s talk about the making of this sandwich. It is a non-vegetarian dish with slices of chicken, lamb, or beef (depending on your choice) rolled in a soft flatbread. The sandwich has many secret sauces, spices, pickles, herbs, and vegetables. It is a perfect blend of chicken and vegetarian sandwiches.

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  • Oman Chips Roll:

Oman Chips Roll is a popular and amazing food in Dubai. Children mostly demand it. It is available in schools easily because of the hype of Oman chips around the children. Here we are talking about the recipe of Oman Chips Roll. The main ingredient of this roll is Oman chip which is smashed and enrolled layers of cheese. It is a popular street food in Dubai.

  • Harees:


Harees is an Arab dish served mostly on special occasions like Arab weddings, Eid-Ul-Fitr, and Ramadan. Let’s move to making Harees, a blend of wheat and meat. Firstly we boil wheat and mix it with meat (whether you like chicken, lamb, or beef) but mostly people make it with coarsely ground wheat. It is served by adding toppings like butter, chili flakes, and garlic or ginger powder. It is a favorite and famous dish of Arabs.

  • Samboosa:

Samboosa is a famous snack in Dubai. It is a snack samosa, Arabs made a twist and named it Samboosa. Now let’s move to the making of samboosa. It is a thin layer of crunchy pastry sheets filled with different types of meat and vegetables with many special spices. It is a popular street food in Dubai.

  • Manakish:


Manakish is a popular dish in Dubai. It is thin and crunchy. Manakish is a flatbread that is filled with cheese and then cooked. It is an oven-baked item. After baking, you can add any spices, vegetables, or oils on the top. You can also use meat as a topping. Then it is ready to be served.

  • Luqaimat:

It is a traditional and famous Emirati desert. It is very famous among the residents and the tourists. The balls of dough are very soft and chewable on the inside after being fried and crispy on the outside. A single plate of Luqaimat consists of many crispiest fried doughs. It is served with honey or syrup of dates.

  •  Karak:

The Dubai national drink is Karak. It can easily be bought on any side of the road at a very cheap price. It is a milky tea. Firstly we boil the water, then add some cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper. We cook it until it reaches to thick consistency. It is a strong tea in both taste and color. It is usually served in a paper cup and small quantities. To enjoy karak the best way is to enjoy it with a sweet cake or a doughnut and have fun.

  • Fareed:

It is a famous Emirati food named Fareed also known as thareed. It is usually rich in vitamins and proteins and is served on special occasions. The chunks of vegetable and bread are soaked in meat gravy and then it is ready to serve with the topping of spices.

  • Falafel:


The Emirati serve it as the most popular dish. It is an alternative to vegetarian meals. Falafel contains a fried chicken patty. They enroll it in a flatbread with many sauces, fresh vegetables, and cheese. They also serve it with the toppings of salads, pickles, vegetables, and hot sauce. People also eat it as a snack.

  • Madrooba:

Madrooba is a very famous and popular dish in Emirati. This recipe takes a lot of time to make, therefore it is rare to find it easily in restaurants. It has a spicy, soupy, and very comforting taste. It is porridge with overcooked rice and meat. The flavoring includes turmeric, cumin, cardamom, ginger and cloves, cinnamon, garlic, black pepper, and all the ingredients fried in oil.

  • Kanfeh:

The main desert of Dubai, known as the “Queen of the Deserts” – Knafeh, will be discussed here after all the spicy meals. It is a sugar-soaked pastry. They make it from shredded dough and then spread it onto a pan before soaking it in syrup. Then they can make its stuffing with a layer of cheese or thickened cream. After that, we pour some syrup chocolate, and honey. Then garnish it with pistachios or any other dry fruit you like the most. It is now ready for serving.

Places to visit in Dubai to Enjoy street food:

There are some of the best places to visit in Dubai for Dubai Food Street are as follows:

street food
  • Sheikh Zaid Road:  

The main street full of food in Dubai is Sheikh Zaid Road. You will see a wonderful variety of food in this location whenever you visit. The best part of this place is it is open 24/7 and never shuts down properly.

  • Bur Dubai:

Bur Dubai is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Dubai. It is a busy place in Dubai. You find many Indian street foods here along with Arab street food.

  • Meena Bazar:

Many shops selling everything at a very cheap range fill Meena Bazar street. It is at the top of the list which ranks to find street food.

  • Downtown Dubai:

Whenever you visit Burj Khaleefa you must see a food truck opposite it. You will find the perfect street food here in Downtown Dubai.

  • Satwa:

If you plan to go there for street food, Satwa is one of the top spots. The Few oldest and iconic food shops opened here have turned into successful opening branches.

  • Global Village:

Global Village is a ridiculous option, but it is assured that you will get your favorite food in Global Village. It is also one of the leading attractions in Dubai. You can find many street food stalls here.

  • Marina Walk Street Food:

Directly from the Dubai Marina Walk, is a street food market with many astonishing food trucks. The seniority of street food has a small outdoor area full of seating plans. Some food stalls also entertain such as music concerts and board games.

  • Al Barsha:

If you are a true food lover, you should go to Al Barsha to try the best street food ever. This place is a core to satisfy your taste buds.

However, street food is also available at places of people’s gatherings. People enjoy the food from stalls and sides of the street with a delicious taste.

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